Final year student appreciates Naira Marley and fellow marlians

Surprising isn't it, as a Final year student (University disclosed) appreciates Naira Marley and his fellow marlians in the acknowledgement section of his project.

Words from the final year student:
"First of all I want to appreciate the All Knowing Father, God Almighty for His Love, protection and direction all through my academic sojourn I am most grateful Lord. 
I wish to appreciate my Parent for their undying love and support.
I wish to thank my friends Gideon Bay, Weibo pare for their support and encouragement all through my days in school.
And also Naira Marley for making me a true Marlian, and to all marlian all over the world"
Final year student who appreciates Naira Marley in project defence

Naira marley

He also posted it on his facebook page.
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